Shelby Place has traditionally made a distinction between improved and unimproved lots in making its assessments.
Because of the one-half lot issue discussed previously, as well as the ownership and development of multiple lots, assessments are based upon the original Plats filed with the Register of Deeds, Macon County. The Town Homes, which are built on individual lots but share common walls with adjoining Town Homes, are treated for all purposes as single improved lots.
A single unimproved lot comprises one base assessment. Multiple lot parcels are assessed at the appropriate multiple. For example, a lot and one-half is assessed at the rate of one and one-half of the base rate, two lot parcel at the rate of two times the base rate, and so forth. Improved lots are assessed at twice the rate of a similar unimproved parcel. The only exception to these rules are The Five Lots discussed below.
The Dues Assessment funds day-to-day operations of Shelby Place. Other special assessments fund specific projects and are temporary (usually a three- to five-year assessment).
As of July 2020, the dues and assessments for IMPROVED lots are:
Dues: $60 per month per improved lot
General Capital Assessment: $20 per month per improved lot - expires after the conclusion of 3Q 2023
UNIMPROVED lots’ unit rates are one-half the above figures.
Note: The former Road Assessment, which was $40 per month per improved lot, expired after the conclusion of 3Q 2021.